Monday, August 12, 2013

Discounts for Teachers

This post may not apply to you if you are NOT a teacher, but I bet you KNOW a teacher and you could bless them by sending this post to them!  You could even give it as a "first day of school" gift for your child's teacher.  Maybe attached to a bottle of bubble bath, a great coffee mug, or go old school and give it with an apple?

But, what does this have to do with learning to live with a Dish Fairy deficit?  PLENTY! 

Let's review...

If a teacher saves money, that leaves extra money in the "Eating Out" category of the budget. 
If she eats out, there are no dishes to wash.
If there are no dishes to wash, she is happy, happy, happy!

Isn't that brilliant????  Such simple math. 

So, here's the fabulous list of discounts available to teachers.  So many of these I had NEVER heard of!

Most of these are only for public school teachers, but when I worked at a private school, I talked some places into giving me the discount by showing them my paycheck stub.  As a homeschool teacher, some places will honor an ID card that states you are a teacher (In Texas, you can get one if you join THSC.)

This post is dedicated to all the educators who are returning to work this week.  Please remember them and pray for them.  They are training and educating the future of our cities, country, and world!  There are few jobs less meaningful on such a LARGE scale.

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